My Projects
Here is where innovation meets execution. These selected works highlight my journey in crafting secure, transparent Web 3.0 solutions and my pursuit of technical excellence. Each project underscores my commitment to user empowerment and showcases my skills in software engineering, blockchain and DevOps.
NFTFact - A backend for NFT factory
This is a project to create a factory of NFT contracts.
Deploy Smart Contract With Hard Wallet
This project shows how to deploy a smart contract using a hardware wallet.
Serverless Ecommerce API with AWS
An e-commerce application designed to be deployed in the AWS) cloud environment.
IaC - Deploy Infrasctructure with AWS
This project demostrates how to deploy a cloud enviroment with bastion servers and ec2 instances.
BabyPool - A baby gender guessing game
At BabyPool people can bet on the expected gender of the child and receive rewards if right.
Full-ERC721-Deploy on EVM-Based
This project demonstrates the creation of an NFT with ERC721 contract. The user can store the asset in IPFS and mint the NFT.